

Feeds -


Swine Feeds


Piglet Saver 45

(Piglet Booster)

Acclimatize the young piglets to digest raw ingredients at a young age without the risk of diarrhea. Upon weaning, there is no lag experienced by the young piglets


Piglet Saver 75

(Hog Pre-Starter)

Give solution for post-weaning stress which greatly contributes to the good daily gain of the pigs. Also provides pig with good immune response for better disease resistance.


Essensa Fastart 110

(Hog Starter)

Promote maximum growth potential, good bone development, and good resistance to stress.


Essensa Gain 140

(Hog Grower)

· A high density, well-balanced and high performing finished feeds for fattening pigs.

· Provides continuous uniform growth forming the genetic expression on body conformation of growing pigs.


Essensa Lean 165

(Hog Finisher)

Ensure maximum growth, good feed efficiency, excellent muscle/lean development, and good meat quality.



(Brood Sow)

Gives sows the best reproduction performance and prolong sow productivity. Equipped with anti-stress factors and organic ingredients which stimulates appropriate reproduction hormones to ensure good pig production.



(Lactating Sow)

Promotes good quality and quantity of sow’s milk for better weaning weight of piglets and guarantees piglet survivability.




Feeds -


Poultry Feeds


Rapid Lay

· Balanced and adequate nutrition to provide better laying performance of laying ducks.

· Provides longer egg production with exceptionally good quality eggs.